Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chilean APEX proposals: preparing observing run

(Click on the images for a full resolution version of it)

If your project has LABOCA/SABOCA observations and SHFI observations you will have to fill this form more than once. Remember to use the correct Run ID each time.
  1. First go to

    and click on the Project submission form link.

    And use the login name and password provided to you in the email.
  2. When you log in you will see the submission form. First select Chile as the partner. Then fill the Project ID, for example C-090.F-9700-2012. Finally select the Run ID USE A for LABOCA and SABOCA observations and B for SHFI or other.

  3. Proceed to fill the target(s) information. Please use the correct format for coordinates: hh:mm:ss.s for RA and dd:mm:ss.s for Dec (i.e. colon as separator), e.g. 2:29:15.312, -26:05:55.71. Use the comment field to specify important information like the priority of the source.

  4. Finally provide instructions on how perform the observations and provide any additional material that could be useful.